Use this one simple trick during your messaging (and beyond) to reveal their true colors, and to get them to flat out tell you just how awful (or awesome) they really are.
The book on this page will show you how.
Hi there!
Heather here. My friends call me Nookie...
Do you want to end your dating-the-same-person-in-a-different-package pattern?
Here's the secret:
Just Give Them The Opportunity
To Tattle On Themselves.
Me, at the beginning (WAY before online dating—but the same pattern applies no matter HOW you connect):
I'd meet someone who piqued my interest. Maybe they were charismatic, or cute, or had the right "hair." I had a few types that could sucker me every dang time.
Whatever it was, I would get stars in my eyes, and I would be hooked! Just like that.
If they were also interested, it was a done deal. We were a thing. And we would be a thing no matter how they treated me, until they dumped me, and I would end up feeling used and less-than. I played this pattern out over and over again through my teen years.
Same thing happened with my husband, except for the dumping part. Instead, we got married and started building a dream life, or so I thought...
Me, newly on the dating market again after leaving an abusive marriage:
I joined all the sites. I made the "perfect" profile. I put my best foot forward.
And I went on 127 first dates in a single year.
You see, I didn't wanna make that mistake again, so I approached dating differently. I was 15 years older, a bit wiser, definitely more suspicious, and internet dating had become a thing.
I was enthusiastically trying to "crack the code."
Dating through that year was like having a second full-time job! Not just the dates, but reading profiles online, the chatting, the phone calls, the planning, the outfit selections, the endless restaurant suggestions and debates, the travel to and from, the lack of chemistry, the rejections—and worse, the few REALLY REALLY BAD (a couple were even scary) dates.
127 times!
Honestly, it was invaluable.
Not very encouraging, but invaluable. I learned SO MUCH about what I wanted and what I didn't want in a potential partner, and I built on that.
Me now:
I've got 16 years of researching dating and connection, working for dating sites, building dating sites and communities, writing about dating, coaching people of all genders, relationship statuses, orientations and more on dating and beyond and...
I get to spend my life with the most amazing human I've ever known, my partner Rodney, and I have a wealth of loving friends and companions.
My life is full of amazing humans and when a not-so-amazing human shows up, I can spot them and say "No, thank you," right away.
You see, this works wonders for dating, but it's not JUST for dating. It works to filter a friends list, too!
— Everyone who follows Start With No when dating
Of course I can't promise that you'll read the book I'm about to give you and get results.
I can promise it's super-simple, though (less than 100 pages, no fluff!), and that you will be able to put it into action and see IMMEDIATE results, if you want to.
Because it works. And not just for me.
I've coached countless others to use this simple trick: friends, clients, even people who just requested a review copy of my book on a whim...
DISCLAIMER: I have to tell you, though...MOST people will not change. They will read this book, maybe try it once or twice (and even see results!) and still fall back into old habits and beliefs. Other people don't put into action what they learn or don't even try it once and so they don't get results at all. My clients get amazing results because we work together. Personal change requires effort, risk, and commitment to do better.
For those who are willing to do what's required, this book can change your relationships forever. Simply.
The book I have for sale on this page is called Start With No Dating and it's just that:
A book about how and why to say no in dating to show you EXACTLY who a person is and what you can expect from them in a long-term relationship.
It's only $4.99.
If you like it, maybe you'll become a client and I can help you end people-pleasing and improve your dating and relationships FAST (and without all the trial-and-error I went through).
Or not.
Either way, it's an amazing book that outlines and dives deep into the single most-effective technique to uncover a wolf in sheep's clothing.
What Are Pickup Artists (PUAs)? Learning about how PUA ideologies have permeated societal perceptions of dating and romance for the past two decades can serve as a wake-up call, prompting you to question and challenge social norms, beliefs, and expectations surrounding love and relationships.
Why Is FUN SO Critical In Dating? Dating is about finding a good long-term partner, it’s true. However, it is not the long-term relationship itself. It’s even got its own word: dating.
How To Run Your Own (SIMPLE!) Tests To Make Sure You Don't Fall For A Monster. Turn the tables, testing early for what you want—and deserve—in your relationships.
Look At The POSITIVE State Of Dating Today. Learning to set a new standard for healthy and fun dating. Recognize healthy connections and avoid wasting your precious time.
When and how to politely decline on sharing certain information. Confidently decline to share sensitive information and avoid the stress and vulnerability that come with oversharing early in the dating process.
Why Going At Your Pace Is KEY. Experience the joy and satisfaction of a relationship that develops naturally and authentically and avoid the pitfalls of feeling overwhelmed and pressured.
The 7 Personality Types You DON'T Want To Relationship With. You'll probably recognize ALL of them. No more falling for the intoxicating spell of surface charm, only to discover the harsh realities lurking beneath when you're in too deep.
How Bad Actors Will TEST You During Dating—And How To Fail. When you can spot and automatically fail manipulative tests, you eliminate narcissistic and unhealthy dynamics before they get their hooks in you.
The Critical (and Often-Missed) Step Of Disqualifying Potential Datemates. Dating out of obligation or pity or boredom is not fun. Filter for the BEST matches for you, and only date people that fill you up.
Do This One Thing Early And Often—And Do It Authentically! Sometimes, our gut feeling screams "no" but fear or obligation keeps us silent. Learn to trust your inner voice and avoid getting caught up in manipulative situations.
How To Date As A People-Pleaser. Tired of attracting partners who take advantage of your kindness? Get ready to filter out those who only want a doormat, and attract partners who value your authenticity and emotional well-being.
Why Disagreeing Matters. Stop holding back your true self for fear of conflict. Disagreement can help you understand each other's perspectives, values, and boundaries, which can lead to better relationships.
Waiting To See If They Like You (Or You Like Them) Is A Disaster Waiting To Happen! Be your genuine self from the start. Get to know potential partners for who they truly are, fostering connections built on authenticity, not carefully crafted personas.
Start With No Dating is an updated and expanded version (still no fluff) available only through direct purchase.
You can still purchase Start With No, the original version, on Amazon (where it has 4.9 stars!) for the cover price of $6.99, but you won't get the newer content or the amazing bonuses (more on those below).
Even If You've Tried Everything Before.
I did, too. It didn't work for me, either, and it wasn’t going to work for me at any other time—because I was the wrong person.
Maybe you’re the wrong person, too.
The wrong person for the shiny celebrity love gooroos shilling common relationship advice like, "Be in your feminine," "You have to LEAD your partner," or "Communicate!" (That last one is a doozy...communicate what, exactly?)
Maybe you're the wrong person for all of that frou-frou stuff, and you just want something that works.
That makes you the RIGHT person for me. :)
That's why I'm so excited to be sharing Start With No Dating with you today!
How to Game The System and Make Dating FUN! ($47 value)
Week-long workshop March 3-7, 2025.
The odds of meeting the perfect (for you) boopsie is one in 1,712,472 +/-20%.
Really, from a purely numbers standpoint, the odds are against all of us.
In this webinar, I’ll talk about the state of dating today (online and off), and how you can help yourself and increase your chances of connecting with the amazing person/people you need in your life. I’ll make suggestions on how to make dating a more enjoyable process, and how to quickly and effectively sort through your options (and to create more options, when it seems like there are none).
I’ve been online connecting with people since 1994. There is a trick to attracting the right people (besides just being HAWT—that attracts only a certain type of person), and you CAN do it.
Your BEST Dating Profile Workshop ($47 value)
Your dating profile is probably NOT doing you justice!
Join me for this week-long workshop February 17-21, 2025, to create your BEST dating profile ever—that will help you filter your matches and connect with the RIGHT people for you.
Find the love and laughter you deserve!
Remember: The updated and expanded version of Start With No Dating is exclusive to direct sale, and these bonuses are not available anywhere else. It's my way of thanking you for supporting my work!
Try the book and bonuses for 1 full year.
If for some reason, you don't find them useful I'll refund you the full book cost.
Just shoot my support staff an email ([email protected]) and we'll refund you
Remember: This updated and expanded version is exclusive to direct sale.
It's my way of thanking you for supporting my work!
See you on the inside,
Heather aka Nookie Claus
P.S. Recap of this ultra-long page for those who hate reading:
I started dating the usual way and then I got married.
I left that abusive marriage determined to never do that again AND to find a storybook romance! 🤣
I went on 127 first dates in a single year—and learned a lot about what I didn't want before I stumbled on this one simple way to filter for better results.
For just $4.99, you can get the book I wrote about that.
Also, if you get the book today, I'll toss in two extra bonuses, How to Game The System and Make Dating FUN! A LIVE event coming up and Your BEST Dating Profile Workshop.
You can try the book and the bonuses for 1 full year. If you don't like them for whatever crazy reason, I'll refund you the $4.99.
I left my abusive marriage at 34, determined to figure out the secret of love, and NOT do that again.
Since then, I've read over 500 books about love, sex, romance and psychology. I've interviewed over 1,000 people about their relationships: boundaries, lies, communication, and more. I've volunteered thousands of hours in dating sites and online communities, and even built my own.
I've hung out with seducers, liars, and cads of all genders (professional-grade and hobbyists, LOL!), learning what makes them tick, and the secrets to avoiding being prey in the dating jungle.
Right now, I'm living my best life with my partner and a very sassy cat, writing books, hosting workshops, traveling and speaking, and coaching amazing humans around the world.
When I'm not helping people create their next BEST relationship, I enjoy cooking for friends, hiking, chilling with Birdie (the sassy cat) and His Hotness (the partner), and being creative.
Above all, I’m a big fan of wonderful people enjoying love, sex, and romance in happy and functional lives (whatever that might look like from human to human), and I believe that it makes the world a kinder, more loving place for everyone.
+1-919-299-1108 or +1-855-712-5433 (TOLL-FREE)
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